
Dariusz Cichocki

address: ul. Flory 7 m.9
00-586 Warszawa Poland

tel/fax: ++4822-64-63-593

mobile: ++ 601-20-85-95


Skype: dariuszcichocki

Native language: Polish

Source language: English, Turkish

National Security Certificate issued by the National Security

No: K0199303T

  Experience in translation and interpreting



2011 Translation of tender documentation for ELEKTROMETAL S.A Poland (c.a. 20000 words - pl>tr).
2011 Translation of tender documentation for RAFAKO S.A. Poland (c.a. 40.000 words).
2011 Translation of tender documentation for SOLARIS S.A. Poland (c.a. 60.00o0 words).
2010 Interpreting during the visit to Turkey of the Prime Minister of Poland Mr. Donald Tusk (18 hours).

Translation of technical and administrative documentation concerning the tender for Boiler Rehabilitation in Yenikoy Power Plant - RAFAKO S.A. (c.a. 40.000 words PL - TR).

2010 Translation of technical and administrative documentation concerning the tender for precipitators for Tunçbilek Power Plant (EN>TR, PL>TR).
2009 Translation of technical and administrative documentation concerning the tender for 40 busses for Alanya Turkey (c.a. 30.000 words.).
2009 Translation of technical documentation concerning the rehabilitation of boiler No. 2 in Yenikoy Power Plant in Turkey (c.a. 50000 words) continued.
2009 Translation of technical documentation concerning the rehabilitation of boiler No. 2 in Yenikoy Power Plant in Turkey (c.a. 50000 words).
2009 Translation of technical documentation for electrical installation and equipment for the ash system in Kemerköy Power Plant (10.000 words PL>TR).
2009 Interpreting during the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Mr. Erdogan to Poland (18 hours).
2008 Translation of technical documentation for the rehabilitation of Boilers in Kemerköy Power Plant in Turkey (60.000 words EN>TR).
2008 Translation of tender documents concerning coaches supplies for the Izmir Community (c.a. 40.000 words - PL>TR).
2007 Translation of tender documents concerning software and hardware supplies to the Turkish hospitals (tr>pl - c.a. 20.000 words).
2007 Interpreting during the official visit of the Chairman of the Turkish Supreme Administrative Court in Polish Administrative Supreme Court (pl>tr>pl - 30 hours).
2007 Interpreting during official visit of the President of Polish Republic to Turkey (pl>tr>pl - 30 hours).
2006 Interpreting during reception of Turkish Minister of State Mr. Ali Babacan by the President of Republic of Poland (Polish-Turkish-Polish).
2006 Interpreting during the meeting in National Security Bureau (Polish-Turkish-Polish).
2006 Translation of the Memorial Book of the 1st Polish Exhibition in Istanbul (Polish into Turkish -c.a. 25.000 words).
2006 Translation of documents concerning Turkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. (36.000 words).
2006 Translation of tender documentation concerning the sale of tobacco machines (pl>tr - ITM Ltd. Poland).
2005 Translation of tender documentation concerning the modernization of precipitators in Turkish Power Plants (c.a. 23000 words - Polish into Turkish).
2005 Translation of tender documentation concerning the privatization process of Turkish Petroleum Refinery Tüpraş (c.a. 40.000 words - Polish into Turkish).

Interpreting during the visit of the Prime Minister of Republic of Turkey at European Council summit in Warsaw (Polish - Turkish - Polish - c.a. 2 hours).

2005 Interpreting during the visit of Deputy Director of Police in Ankara (Polish Turkish - 12 hours - consecutive).
2005 Interpreting during the meeting of Polish Turkish High Level Consultation Committee (Polish - Turkish, 06 April 2005 - 10 hours, simultaneous and consecutive).
2005 Interpreting during the NATO study visit to Poland of Turkish Parliamentarians - organizer: American Embassy in Ankara (March 2005, 12 hours).
2005 Interpreting during the visit to Poland of the Speaker of Turkish Parliament Mr. Bülent Arınç (March 2005, 26 hours).
2004 Translation of Telecommunication Agreement between TP S.A. (Poland) and Mega International Poland Ltd. (Polish into Turkish c.a. 25.000 words).
2004 Interpreting during the visit of the President of Turkish Republic, Mr. Ahmet Necdet Sezer, in Poland in June 2004 (c.a. 20 hours).
2004 Translating a part of technological line instruction for Valeo Poland (c.a. 100.000 words - Turkish-Polish).
2004 Interpreting during the visit of Turkish Parliament members in Poland (Turkish-Polish-Turkish).
2004 Interpreting during the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gül in Poland (c.a. 20 hours - Tr>Pl, Eng>Tr).
2003 Interpreting during the meeting of Polish-Turkish Presidential Committee (Polish - Turkish - Polish).
2003 Translation of software files for Cable Holder program - Optosoft Company in Wrocław Poland (Polish>Turkish, English>Turkish, c.a 14.500 words).
2003 Translation of documents concerning Qualification Process (construction of Biała Podlaska Aırport * Englısh>Polish - c.a. 30.000 words).
2003 Translation of Services Agreement prepared by Polish Telecommunication (Polish>Turkish) c.a. 20.000 words).
2003 Interpreting during the visit of Polish Prime Minister Leszek Miller in Turkey (Polish > Turkish > Polish).
2002 Translation of Prequalification Documents for Epit&KRWZ Ltd. in Poland (47.000 words English>Polish).
2002 Translation of the sentence issued by the District Court in Plock (Poland) - c.a. 39.000 words (Polish into Turkish).
2002 Translation of Reclaimer Operating Manual (c.a. 10.000 words - English into Turkish).
2001 Translation of almost all Articles of Association of EPIT&KRWZ Sp. z o.o. - Biała Podlaska Investment (c.a. 300 pages).
2001 Translation of help files for a software concerning windows construction - Fikabo Poland (c.a. 48.000 Words Pl>Tr).
2000 Consecutive interpreting during the official visit of Undersecretary of Ministry of National Defense of Turkey to Poland (Turkish>Polish>Turkish).
2000 Consecutive interpreting during the official visit of President of Poland to Turkey (Turkish>Polish>Turkish).
2000 Proof-reading of an electronic dictionary (Ectaco Ltd. Co. UK - 5.500 - about 5000 words).
1999 Consecutive interpreting during the Symposium concerning Modernization of Polish Power Plants (Bodrum Turkey - 20 hours Polish > Turkish > Polish).
1999 Translation of Put and Call Agreement (5.000 words) for Kredyt Bank S.A. (Eng. > Polish).
1999 Translation of all agreements for Reform Company's investments in Poland (Polish>Turkish - about 60.000 words).
1999 Interpreting during the visit of General Staff Commander of Republic of Turkey in Poland (simultaneous, consecutive interpreting from Turkish to Polish and from Polish to Turkish).
1999 Translation of marketing texts for Loreal (Turkish > Polish, c.a. 18.000 words).
1999 Translation of Polish Social Security Act (Polish > Turkish, 20.000 words).
1998 Various assignments obtained from Alpha Communications UK (English > Polish - c.a. 5.000 words - by Internet).
1998 Interpreting during the visit of Polish Minister of Defense Janusz Onyszkiewicz in Turkey (T>Eng).
1998 Interpreting during the visit of Polish Parliament Speaker Mr. Płażyński in Turkey (T>Eng).
1998 Interpreting during the visit of RT Deputy Prime Minister Ismet Sezgin (Turkish to Polish).
1998 Interpreting during the visit of members of Turkish Parliament (Turk>Polsih).
1998 Interpreting during the visit of the delegation from the Ministry of National Defiance (Turkey) in Poland - t>p.
1998 Translating the operating manuals of Shandon Company (UK) (Eng.>Pl.) - cryotome, slide covering unit etc.
1997 Interpreting during the visit of Turkish President Mr. Suleyman Demirel in Poland (just now - 7-9 May 1997 - Polish(P)-Turkish(T)-Polish(P)).
1997 Interpreting during the visit of Polish Chief Staff Commander in Ankara (April, P-T-P).
1997 Interpreting and translation works during the investigations made by Polish experts in Turkey (privatization - P-T-P, and T-E (English)-T).
1997 - 1991 Interpreting during official governmental visits of Polish officials in Turkey (Interior Affairs, Agriculture, Education, National Defense) and vice versa.
1997 - 1980 Interpreting during numerous trade negotiations held between Polish and Turkish companies (Megadex, Elektrim, Dromex, Kopex, Enka, Dogus Insaat etc.).
2002 - 1979

Translations as a sworn translator (c.a.13400 legal documents P-T-P).

1997 - 1979 Interpreting in Polish courts (1600 times - P-T-P).
1994 - 1992 Interpreting and translation during construction of high-way Edirne-Kinali (Pl-T-P, T-E-T c.a. 1.200 hours).



1987 Interpreting and translation works during construction of Kemerkoy, Yenikoy and Yatagan Power Plants in Turkey (P-T-P, E-T-E c.a. 3.200 hours).
1980 - 1997 Translation from E to P of numerous contracts (e.g. for Credit-Anstalt Verein, World Bank, Shandon Inc., etc.) concerning technical and financial subjects.

Education: Warsaw University Turkish Philology MA
Istanbul University - one year - attended seminars led by Prof. M. Ergin
Work in Turkey - 1987-1989, 1992, 1993 in Power Stations and in Construction Enterprises.

Member of: Polish Association of Economical, Law and Court Translators and Interpreters PT TEPIS (Poland)

Fields of Specialization

  1. Economy
  2. Finances
  3. Linguistics
  4. Legal Documents
  5. Court interpreting
  6. Civil Engineering
  7. Electronics
  8. Chemistry
  9. Mechanics
  10. Business
  11. Computer Software

Hardware and Software I use

  1. PC computer (IBM), 4 Ghz, 8 MB RAM, cache, Windows 7 Professional; broad band, laser printer (HPM2727); 
  2. Word Processors: Microsoft Office2007 Professional, WordPerfect 9.0,
  3. Databases and spread-sheets : Excel, Papyrus (Bibliography Database), Microsoft Access; Paradox;
  4. Web Browsers: Fire Fox, IE 7.0,
  5. CAT - SDLX 2007 Professional, Trados Studıo 2011 Professional , SDLTrados 2009 Studio Professional, SDL Trados Studio 2011 Professional