2011 |
Translation of tender documentation for
ELEKTROMETAL S.A Poland (c.a. 20000 words - pl>tr). |
2011 |
Translation of tender documentation for RAFAKO S.A. Poland
(c.a. 40.000 words). |
2011 |
Translation of tender documentation for SOLARIS S.A. Poland
(c.a. 60.00o0 words). |
2010 |
Interpreting during the visit to Turkey of the Prime Minister
of Poland Mr. Donald Tusk (18 hours). |
2010 |
Translation of technical and administrative documentation
concerning the tender for Boiler Rehabilitation in Yenikoy Power
Plant - RAFAKO S.A. (c.a. 40.000 words PL - TR).
2010 |
Translation of technical and administrative documentation
concerning the tender for precipitators for Tunçbilek Power Plant
(EN>TR, PL>TR). |
2009 |
Translation of technical and administrative documentation
concerning the tender for 40 busses for Alanya Turkey (c.a. 30.000
words.). |
2009 |
Translation of technical documentation concerning the
rehabilitation of boiler No. 2 in Yenikoy Power Plant in Turkey
(c.a. 50000 words) continued. |
2009 |
Translation of technical documentation concerning the
rehabilitation of boiler No. 2 in Yenikoy Power Plant in Turkey
(c.a. 50000 words). |
2009 |
Translation of technical documentation for electrical
installation and equipment for the ash system in Kemerköy Power
Plant (10.000 words PL>TR). |
2009 |
Interpreting during the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Mr.
Erdogan to Poland (18 hours). |
2008 |
Translation of technical documentation for the rehabilitation
of Boilers in Kemerköy Power Plant in Turkey (60.000 words
EN>TR). |
2008 |
Translation of tender documents concerning coaches supplies for
the Izmir Community (c.a. 40.000 words - PL>TR). |
2007 |
Translation of tender documents concerning software and
hardware supplies to the Turkish hospitals (tr>pl - c.a. 20.000
words). |
2007 |
Interpreting during the official visit of the Chairman of the
Turkish Supreme Administrative Court in Polish Administrative
Supreme Court (pl>tr>pl - 30 hours). |
2007 |
Interpreting during official visit of the President of Polish
Republic to Turkey (pl>tr>pl - 30 hours). |
2006 |
Interpreting during reception of Turkish Minister of State Mr.
Ali Babacan by the President of Republic of Poland
(Polish-Turkish-Polish). |
2006 |
Interpreting during the meeting in National Security Bureau
(Polish-Turkish-Polish). |
2006 |
Translation of the Memorial Book of the 1st Polish Exhibition
in Istanbul (Polish into Turkish -c.a. 25.000 words). |
2006 |
Translation of documents concerning Turkiye Şeker Fabrikaları
A.Ş. (36.000 words). |
2006 |
Translation of tender documentation concerning the sale of
tobacco machines (pl>tr - ITM Ltd. Poland). |
2005 |
Translation of tender documentation concerning the
modernization of precipitators in Turkish Power Plants (c.a. 23000
words - Polish into Turkish). |
2005 |
Translation of tender documentation concerning the
privatization process of Turkish Petroleum Refinery Tüpraş (c.a.
40.000 words - Polish into Turkish). |
2005 |
Interpreting during the visit of the Prime Minister of Republic
of Turkey at European Council summit in Warsaw (Polish - Turkish -
Polish - c.a. 2 hours).
2005 |
Interpreting during the visit of Deputy Director of Police in
Ankara (Polish Turkish - 12 hours - consecutive). |
2005 |
Interpreting during the meeting of Polish Turkish High Level
Consultation Committee (Polish - Turkish, 06 April 2005 - 10 hours,
simultaneous and consecutive). |
2005 |
Interpreting during the NATO study visit to Poland of Turkish
Parliamentarians - organizer: American Embassy in Ankara (March
2005, 12 hours). |
2005 |
Interpreting during the visit to Poland of the Speaker of
Turkish Parliament Mr. Bülent Arınç (March 2005, 26 hours). |
2004 |
Translation of Telecommunication Agreement between TP S.A.
(Poland) and Mega International Poland Ltd. (Polish into Turkish
c.a. 25.000 words). |
2004 |
Interpreting during the visit of the President of Turkish
Republic, Mr. Ahmet Necdet Sezer, in Poland in June 2004 (c.a. 20
hours). |
2004 |
Translating a part of technological line instruction for Valeo
Poland (c.a. 100.000 words - Turkish-Polish). |
2004 |
Interpreting during the visit of Turkish Parliament members in
Poland (Turkish-Polish-Turkish). |
2004 |
Interpreting during the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gül in
Poland (c.a. 20 hours - Tr>Pl, Eng>Tr). |
2003 |
Interpreting during the meeting of Polish-Turkish Presidential
Committee (Polish - Turkish - Polish). |
2003 |
Translation of software files for Cable Holder program -
Optosoft Company in Wrocław Poland (Polish>Turkish,
English>Turkish, c.a 14.500 words). |
2003 |
Translation of documents concerning Qualification Process
(construction of Biała Podlaska Aırport * Englısh>Polish - c.a.
30.000 words). |
2003 |
Translation of Services Agreement prepared by Polish
Telecommunication (Polish>Turkish) c.a. 20.000 words). |
2003 |
Interpreting during the visit of Polish Prime Minister Leszek
Miller in Turkey (Polish > Turkish > Polish). |
2002 |
Translation of Prequalification Documents for Epit&KRWZ
Ltd. in Poland (47.000 words English>Polish). |
2002 |
Translation of the sentence issued by the District Court in
Plock (Poland) - c.a. 39.000 words (Polish into Turkish). |
2002 |
Translation of Reclaimer Operating Manual (c.a. 10.000 words -
English into Turkish). |
2001 |
Translation of almost all Articles of Association of
EPIT&KRWZ Sp. z o.o. - Biała Podlaska Investment (c.a. 300
pages). |
2001 |
Translation of help files for a software concerning windows
construction - Fikabo Poland (c.a. 48.000 Words Pl>Tr). |
2000 |
Consecutive interpreting during the official visit of
Undersecretary of Ministry of National Defense of Turkey to Poland
(Turkish>Polish>Turkish). |
2000 |
Consecutive interpreting during the official visit of President
of Poland to Turkey (Turkish>Polish>Turkish). |
2000 |
Proof-reading of an electronic dictionary (Ectaco Ltd. Co. UK -
5.500 - about 5000 words). |
1999 |
Consecutive interpreting during the Symposium concerning
Modernization of Polish Power Plants (Bodrum Turkey - 20 hours
Polish > Turkish > Polish). |
1999 |
Translation of Put and Call Agreement (5.000 words) for Kredyt
Bank S.A. (Eng. > Polish). |
1999 |
Translation of all agreements for Reform Company's investments
in Poland (Polish>Turkish - about 60.000 words). |
1999 |
Interpreting during the visit of General Staff Commander of
Republic of Turkey in Poland (simultaneous, consecutive
interpreting from Turkish to Polish and from Polish to
Turkish). |
1999 |
Translation of marketing texts for Loreal (Turkish > Polish,
c.a. 18.000 words). |
1999 |
Translation of Polish Social Security Act (Polish > Turkish,
20.000 words). |
1998 |
Various assignments obtained from Alpha Communications UK
(English > Polish - c.a. 5.000 words - by Internet). |
1998 |
Interpreting during the visit of Polish Minister of Defense
Janusz Onyszkiewicz in Turkey (T>Eng). |
1998 |
Interpreting during the visit of Polish Parliament Speaker Mr.
Płażyński in Turkey (T>Eng). |
1998 |
Interpreting during the visit of RT Deputy Prime Minister Ismet
Sezgin (Turkish to Polish). |
1998 |
Interpreting during the visit of members of Turkish Parliament
(Turk>Polsih). |
1998 |
Interpreting during the visit of the delegation from the
Ministry of National Defiance (Turkey) in Poland - t>p. |
1998 |
Translating the operating manuals of Shandon Company (UK)
(Eng.>Pl.) - cryotome, slide covering unit etc. |
1997 |
Interpreting during the visit of Turkish President Mr. Suleyman
Demirel in Poland (just now - 7-9 May 1997 -
Polish(P)-Turkish(T)-Polish(P)). |
1997 |
Interpreting during the visit of Polish Chief Staff Commander
in Ankara (April, P-T-P). |
1997 |
Interpreting and translation works during the investigations
made by Polish experts in Turkey (privatization - P-T-P, and T-E
(English)-T). |
1997 - 1991 |
Interpreting during official governmental visits of Polish
officials in Turkey (Interior Affairs, Agriculture, Education,
National Defense) and vice versa. |
1997 - 1980 |
Interpreting during numerous trade negotiations held between
Polish and Turkish companies (Megadex, Elektrim, Dromex, Kopex,
Enka, Dogus Insaat etc.). |
2002 - 1979 |
Translations as a sworn translator (c.a.13400 legal documents
1997 - 1979 |
Interpreting in Polish courts (1600 times - P-T-P). |
1994 - 1992 |
Interpreting and translation during construction of high-way
Edirne-Kinali (Pl-T-P, T-E-T c.a. 1.200 hours). |
1987 |
Interpreting and translation works during construction of
Kemerkoy, Yenikoy and Yatagan Power Plants in Turkey (P-T-P, E-T-E
c.a. 3.200 hours). |
1980 - 1997 |
Translation from E to P of numerous contracts (e.g. for
Credit-Anstalt Verein, World Bank, Shandon Inc., etc.) concerning
technical and financial subjects. |